Dr HellenVenganai is a Sociologist and Lecturer in Child Sensitive Social Policies. She has a background in media, public relations, and civil society sectors. Inspired by various strands of feminist, poststructuralist and postcolonial theories,
Research Interests
Her research interests revolve aroundgender, sexuality, culture, and social justice, using qualitative methodologies. Her previous publications focused on sexuality, identity construction, and gender based violence.
- PhD in Sociology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
- MA in Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam - International Institute of
Social Studies (ISS), Netherlands
- BSc Honours in Sociology and Gender Development Studies, Women’s University in Africa, Zimbabwe
- Venganai, H., 2017. Urban Shona women negotiating their identities through the cultural practice of labia elongation in contemporary Zimbabwe. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 8(3), pp. 306-324.
- Venganai, H., 2015. (Re) constructing positive cultures to protect girls and women against sexual violence.Agenda, 29(3), pp.145-154.
- Venganai, H., 2015. The Gendering and Sexualization of Young Women through Sex Educational Practices and Discourses in Southern Africa, in J. Wyn and H. Cahill (eds.). Handbook of Children and Youth Studies, pp.289-300. Springer: Singapore