Dr Yuleth Chigwedere is the Communication Skills Co-ordinator in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Gender Development Studies. She has over 10 years of experience as a university lecturer and has done language consultancy services for organisations such as the African Union, British Council, OSSREA and Fortune Business Weekly (Ethiopia).  She has also had exposure under a U.S. Language Fellow programme to Best Practices in English Language Teaching through the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Module, English for Academic Purposes and SLA (Second Language Acquisition) Research. Dr Chigwedere has presented academic papers both locally and internationally in such countries as U.S., Netherlands and Portugal and has several publications in the areas of Language, Literature and Gender Studies.

Education and Qualifications:

  • Dlitt et Phil (English), University of South Africa
  • Masters in English, University of Zimbabwe
  • Graduate Certificate in Education, University of Zimbabwe
  • A. Special Honours in English, University of Zimbabwe
  • A. General (English, Linguistics, Sociology), University of Zimbabwe


Research Areas of Interest:

Language, Literature, Gender Studies



  • Chigwedere, Yuleth and Isaac Choto. “The Colonial Boomerang: A comparative analysis of the traumatic effect of the violence of war in Kanengoni’s Echoing Silences and Fuller’s Scribbling the Cat.Imbizo International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies, vol. 8, no.1, pp.1-16.
  • Chigwedere, Yuleth. 2017. “The Wretched of the Diaspora: Traumatic dislocation in Brian Chikwava’s Harare North.” Journal of African Literature Association, 11, no.2. pp. 169-182.
  • Chigwedere, Yuleth. 2016. “Being and Nothingness: Trauma, Loss and Alienation in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s The Book of Not.” Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 5, no.2, pp.169-183.
  • Chigwedere, Yuleth. 2014. Bodies on the Frontline: Subversive Discourses of Madness in Yvonne Vera’s Without a Name and Butterfly Burning. In (Ed.) Amanda Stone. The Contested and the Poetic: Gender and the Body. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • Chigwedere, Yuleth. 2010: “The African Womanist vision of Vera’s works”. Journal of Literary Studies, vol. 26, no. 1, pp.20-44.
  • Sithole, John and Yuleth Chigwedere (Eds.). 2005: Handbook for Secondary School English Teachers. Harare: Government Printers.
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